Top 20 Python Frameworks for Web Development in 2024

Full-stack Frameworks

1 Django:


A mature,feature-rich,and “batteries-included” framework ideal for building complex web applications,e-commerce platforms,and content management systems.

  • Rapid development with ready-made components and features.
  • Secure and stable with a large community and long-term support.
  • Scalable for handling large traffic and complex functionalities.

2 Pyramid:


A flexible and modular framework with RESTful API support,popular for building large-scale enterprise applications.

  • Highly customizable and adaptable to specific project requirements.
  • Excellent for building RESTful APIs and microservices architectures.
  • Strong focus on code organization and maintainability.

3 TurboGears 3:


An MVC framework known for its rapid development tools and built-in security features.

  • Faster development with code generation and scaffolding tools.
  • Comprehensive security features to protect against common vulnerabilities.
  • Good community support and extensive documentation.

4 Flask:


A lightweight and highly customizable framework perfect for quick prototyping and building RESTful APIs

  • Minimalist approach with minimal dependencies and easy learning curve.
  • Highly flexible and allows for extensive customization.
  • Large and active community with many extensions and libraries available.

5 Bottle:


A minimalist framework with an incredibly small footprint,ideal for learning web development basics.

  • Super simple and easy to get started with,even for beginners.
  • Single-file source code makes it easy to understand and manage.
  • Efficient and lightweight for small projects and prototypes.

6 Falcon:


A blazingly fast and efficient framework optimized for microservices and high-performance APIs.

  • Unparalleled speed and performance for demanding applications.
  • Minimalistic design with minimal dependencies and overhead.
  • Well-suited for building RESTful APIs and microservices architectures.

7 FastAPI:


A Python 3.6+ asynchronous framework focused on building high-performance APIs with minimal code.

  • Powerful and efficient for building modern and scalable APIs.
  • Asyncio support for high concurrency and responsiveness.
  • Clean and concise syntax for writing maintainable code.

8 Django REST framework:


A powerful extension for building robust and scalable RESTful APIs on top of Django.

  • Leverages Django’s strengths for authentication,security,and database management.
  • Provides powerful tools for API design,documentation,and versioning.
  • Large and active community with extensive documentation and tutorials.

9 AioHTTP:


An asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for building high-performance web applications.

  • Enables efficient handling of concurrent requests and improves scalability.
  • Easy to use and integrate with other Python libraries and frameworks.
  • Well-suited for building real-time web applications and APIs.

10 Dash (Plotly):


A powerful framework for creating interactive data visualizations and dashboards.

  • Creates stunning and interactive dashboards for data exploration and analysis.
  • Easy to use with Python APIs and familiar JavaScript callbacks.
  • Integrates seamlessly with other Python data science libraries.

11 Starlette:


A modern, asyncio-based framework with async middleware and support for HTTP/2.

  • Built for building next-generation web applications with modern features.
  • Highly performant and scalable with asynchronous support.

Specialized Frameworks

12 Sanic:


A high-performance Python 3.6+ web framework built for asynchronous applications.

  • Blazingly fast with asynchronous support for handling high-traffic websites.
  • Easy to learn and use with a clean and intuitive API.
  • Focuses on security and provides built-in security features.

Emerging Frameworks

13 Quasar:


A full-stack framework for building web,desktop,and mobile apps with a single codebase.

  • Write code once and deploy across different platforms with minimal rewrites.
  • Modern and feature-rich framework with built-in UI components and routing.
  • Great for building cross-platform applications with shared logic.

14 Hug:


An API-first framework focused on generating clean and documented APIs from Python code.

  • Makes API development and documentation a breeze with auto-generated docs.
  • Encourages clean and consistent API design patterns.
  • Easy to integrate with existing Python libraries and databases.

15 Black Friday:


A Flask-inspired microframework with built-in testing and type hinting features.

  • Simple and lightweight like Flask,but with additional development tools.
  • Built-in unit testing support for catching bugs early.
  • Type hinting ensures code clarity and prevents errors.

Additional Frameworks

16 CherryPy:


An object-oriented web framework known for its simplicity and ease of use.

  • Easy to learn and get started with,even for beginners.
  • Flexible and allows for customization through plugins and extensions.
  • Ideal for building small and medium-sized web applications.

17 Giotto:


An MVC framework focused on rapid development and code generation.

  • Develop applications faster with automated scaffolding and code generation.
  • Reduces boilerplate code and improves developer productivity.
  • Easy to use and maintain thanks to its clean and structured code.

18 Web2py:


A full-stack framework with a low-code approach,ideal for beginners.

  • Requires minimal coding with its visual development features and drag-and-drop tools.
  • Quick prototyping and building basic web applications without extensive coding.
  • Large community and abundant resources available for support.

19 Growler:


A Python 3 web framework emphasizing security and ease of deployment.

  • Built-in security features and best practices to protect against vulnerabilities.
  • Simple deployment on various platforms with minimal configuration.
  • Good for building secure and reliable web applications.

20 CubicWeb:


A semantic web framework for building knowledge-based applications.

  • Integrates semantic web technologies to manage and reason about data.
  • Ideal for building knowledge graphs and intelligent applications.
  • Niche framework but powerful for specific knowledge-driven projects.

About Author

Tridev infoways Team

Tridev Infoways Team

Tridev Infoways is India's leading web design and development company, offering a comprehensive suite of digital solutions to help businesses of all sizes thrive in the online world. Our team of experienced and skilled professionals specializes in UX/UI design, mobile app development, software development, SEO, and digital marketing. We also have our own team of content strategists, developers, and writers who create high-quality, informative content on trending IT technologies.